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God's Work Our Hands

Our Missions

Annie Armstrong Easter Offering is typically spurred on by the youth at NWBC. A friendly boy-girl competition gets the entire congregation excited to dig deep to help our young people meet their goals. 

Addition info: Melinda Hill  --  704.575.1709

Baby Bottle Campaign - During the month of September NWBC will be filling baby bottles with pocket change to assist Gate Pregnancy Resource Center's mission to help those facing difficult pregnancy decisions by providing hope, help, and healing.

Addition info: Emily Lail  --  803.242.2605

Baptist Sharing House is a Christian-based ministry of the Cabarrus Baptist Association that has helped thousands of families with food and clothing since 1982. Year-around NWBC collects food, clothes, and Bibles to assist them. The following items are especially helpful:

  • canned vegetables

  • canned meat

  • canned (or dry 1 lb bags) beans 

  • ramen noodles

  • sugar

  • oatmeal

  • pasta

  • pasta sauce 

  • toilet paper

  • razors 

  • coffee

  • flour

  • corn muffin mix

During the month of October, NWBC will be conducting a special drive for coats.
Addition info: Peggy Nicholson  --  704.723.9183

Cabarrus County Group Homes

Cabarrus County Group Homes house and provide care for adults with disabilities such as Down syndrome, autism, and gene disorders. The first Saturday of every December NWBC hosts a Christmas party for these very special adults. Many of them do not have families to care for them. The first party was organized in 2004 by Sherry Hill. The Hill family continues to be the driving force behind this endeavor. 
Addition info: Melinda Hill  --  704.575.1709

Lottie Moon Christmas Offering was the result of a plea from Lottie Moon in 1912 for prayer and financial support to send and sustain more missionaries. Today 100% of the Lottie Moon Christmas Offering enables gospel transformation among the unreached.

Addition info: Emily Lail  --  803.242.2605

Samaritan's Purse sends gift-filled Operation Christmas Child shoeboxes to children in need around the world together with the message of the Gospel of Jesus Christ.

Northwest deadline for 2024 is Sunday, November 24.

National Collection Week | Nov. 18-25, 2024.

Addition info: Barbara Orbison  --  704.938.2679

Sunday School   ><>  10:00 am

Sunday Morning Worship  ><>  11:00 am

Children's Church (ages 2-9)

Wednesday Bible Study ><>  6:00 pm​

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Northwest Baptist Church

3500 Trinity Church Rd.

Concord, NC, 28027

(704) 782-1571

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